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ZeroFrame API Reference

The ZeroFrame API

ZeroFrame is an API that allows ZeroNet websites to interact with the ZeroNet daemon. It allows sites to save/retrieve files, publish changes and many other things. A copy of the library is included at js/ZeroFrame.js whenever a new site is created.

The library can be imported like any other JavaScript file, or site developers also have the option of importing through NPM. Please see the ZeroFrame API Reference for API details.


Commands that interact with code outside of the iframe.


Display a notification with a confirmation.

zeroframe = new ZeroFrame()

message = 'Are you sure you want to delete this?'
buttonTitle = 'Delete'

zeroframe.cmd 'wrapperConfirm', [message, buttonTitle], (confirmed) =>
  if confirmed
    console.log 'Deleting post...'
const zeroframe = new ZeroFrame();

let message = 'Are you sure you want to delete this?';
let buttonTitle = 'delete';

zeroframe.cmd('wrapperConfirm', [message, buttonTitle], (confirmed) => {
  if (confirmed) {
    console.log('Deleting post...');


User clicks confirm:

"Deleting post..."


The callback function is not run if the user dismisses the notification.


Because #anchors in the URL only apply to the outer web page, and not the inner iframe where ZeroNet sites live, this command must be used to do so. When your site is fully loaded, call this method to apply the current anchor to the inner iframe's src URL.

zeroframe = new ZeroFrame()

zeroframe.cmd 'wrapperInnerLoaded', []
const zeroframe = new ZeroFrame();

zeroframe.cmd('wrapperInnerLoaded', []);


If the user is on

[Wrapper] Added hash to location


Alias for wrapperInnerLoaded.


Retrieve the contents of the ZeroNet site's Local Storage.


As ZeroNet sites all run off the same domain, the same Local Storage is technically shared by all sites, which is a security risk. Thus, the UiWrapper compartmentalizes each site to only be able to access their own portion.

Return: The Local Storage for this site as JSON.

zeroframe = new ZeroFrame()

zeroframe.cmd "wrapperGetLocalStorage", [], (res) =>
  res ?= {}
  console.log "Local storage value:", res
const zeroframe = new ZeroFrame();

zeroframe.cmd("wrapperGetLocalStorage", [], (res) => {
  res = res || {};
  console.log("Local Storage contents:", res);


If Local Storage is empty:

Local Storage contents: {}

If Local Storage has been modified with wrapperSetLocalStorage:

Local Storage contents: {"score": 500}


Return the history state of the current tab from the browser.

Return: Browser's current history state object.

zeroframe = new ZeroFrame()

zeroframe.cmd 'wrapperGetState', {}, (state) ->
  console.log state
zeroframe = new ZeroFrame();

zeroframe.cmd('wrapperGetState', {}, (state) => {




Return: Retrieve a key that can be used to make ajax (XMLHTTPRequest, fetch) requests.

zeroframe = new ZeroFrame()

zeroframe.cmd 'wrapperGetAjaxKey', {}, (ajax_key) ->
  req = new window.XMLHttpRequest() 'GET', "content.json?ajax_key=#{ajax_key}"
  # Optional: only if you want to request a partial file
  # req.setRequestHeader 'Range', 'bytes=10-200'
  req.onload = ->
    console.log req.response
zeroframe = new ZeroFrame();

zeroframe.cmd('wrapperGetAjaxKey', {}, (ajax_key) => {
  const req = new window.XMLHttpRequest();'GET', `content.json?ajax_key=${ajax_key}`);
  // Optional: only if you want request partial file
  // req.setRequestHeader('Range', 'bytes=10-200');
  req.onload = () => {


The file we requested. In this case, the content.json of the current site:

  "address": "1HeLLo4uzjaLetFx6NH3PMwFP3qbRbTf3D",
  "address_index": 66669697,
  "background-color": "#FFF",
  "description": "",
  "files": {
    "index.html": {
    "sha512": "542f7724432a22ceb8821b4241af4d36cfd81e101b72d425c6c59e148856537e",
    "size": 1114
    "js/ZeroFrame.js": {
    "sha512": "42125c7aa72496455e044e3fd940e0f05db86824c781381edb7a70f71a5f0882",
    "size": 3370
  "ignore": "",
  "inner_path": "content.json",
  "modified": 1541199581,
  "postmessage_nonce_security": true,
  "signers_sign": "G6Aq7MXMzCjvEdqCToGTDZ7mrsCfaQzZdoBqHg4Cle2NHGno1Pgx2dvgeTFpsWkFP/oAA4CHKt2Zu+KueJM+7Mg=",
  "signs": {
    "1HeLLo4uzjaLetFx6NH3PMwFP3qbRbTf3D": "COr0M7+egjY29ZhW7mQp4MPHYuwrgOKVk6kl1CnRPef2QPbUQARYigo0cId8nIs7Y6Fnaj+uHR2HPvh09XVGb1Q="
  "signs_required": 1,
  "title": "my site",
  "translate": ["js/all.js"],
  "zeronet_version": "0.6.4"


The recommended usecase of this is for communicating with non-ZeroNet sources. This is not the recommended way to retrieve the contents of a file for a site. For that, use the fileGet command instead.

Retrieving files from other ZeroNet sites can be done via the CORS plugin.

You can also use monkeyPatchAjax function from ZeroFrame.js to patch default XMLHTTPRequest and fetch implementations.


Display a notification.

Parameter Description
type The style of the notification. Possible values: info, error, done
message The message you want to display
timeout (optional) Hide display after this interval (milliseconds)

Return: None.

zeroframe = new ZeroFrame()

zeroframe.cmd 'wrapperNotification', ['done', 'Your registration has been sent!', 10000]
const zeroframe = new ZeroFrame();

zeroframe.cmd('wrapperNotification', ['done', 'Your registration has been sent!', 10000]);


Navigates to or opens a new popup window.

Parameter Description
url URL of the opened page
target (optional) Target window name
specs (optional) Special properties of the window (see:
zeroframe = new ZeroFrame()

zeroframe.cmd 'wrapperOpenWindow', ['', '_blank', 'width=550,height=600,location=no,menubar=no']
zeroframe = new ZeroFrame();

zeroframe.cmd('wrapperOpenWindow', ['', '_blank', 'width=550,height=600,location=no,menubar=no']);


Request a new permission for site.

Parameter Description
permission Name of permission (e.g. Merger:ZeroMe)
zeroframe = new ZeroFrame()

zeroframe.cmd 'wrapperPermissionAdd', ['Merger:ZeroMe'], (res) ->
  if res == 'ok'
    console.log 'Permission granted.'
const zeroframe = new ZeroFrame();

zeroframe.cmd('wrapperPermissionAdd', ['Merger:ZeroMe'], (res) => {
  if (res === 'ok') {
    console.log('Permission granted.');


If the user accepted the permission request:

Permission granted.

If the user denied or did not answer the request, the method will not be run.


Prompt for text input from the user.

Parameter Description
message The message you want to display
type (optional) The input field type (e.g. text, password)

Return: Entered input text.

zeroframe = new ZeroFrame()

# Prompt for a site's private key
zeroframe.cmd 'wrapperPrompt', ['Enter your private key:', 'password'], (privatekey) ->
  # Sign and publish content.json
  zeroframe.cmd 'sitePublish', [privatekey], (res) ->
    console.log 'Publish result:', res
const zeroframe = new ZeroFrame();

zeroframe = new ZeroFrame();

// Prompt for a site's private key
zeroframe.cmd('wrapperPrompt', ['Enter your private key:', 'password'], function(privatekey) {
  // Sign and publish content.json
  zeroframe.cmd('sitePublish', [privatekey], function(res) {
    console.log('Publish result:', res);


Publish result: ok


Change the url while and adding a new entry to the browser's history. See JavaScript pushState. And see wrapperReplaceState to do so without adding a new history entry.

Parameter Description
state State JavaScript object
title Title of the page
url URL path of the page

Return: None.

zeroframe = new ZeroFrame()

zeroframe.cmd 'wrapperPushState', [{'scrollY': 100}, 'Profile page', 'Profile']
const zeroframe = new ZeroFrame();

zeroframe.cmd('wrapperPushState', [{'scrollY': 100}, 'Profile page', 'Profile']);


Change the url without adding a new entry to the browser's history. See JavaScript replaceState.

Parameter Description
state State JavaScript object
title Title of the page
url URL path of the page

Return: None.

zeroframe = new ZeroFrame()

zeroframe.cmd 'wrapperReplaceState', [{'scrollY': 100}, 'Profile page', 'Profile']
const zeroframe = new ZeroFrame();

zeroframe.cmd('wrapperReplaceState', [{'scrollY': 100}, 'Profile page', 'Profile']);



Starting from ZeroNet Rev3136 you can use the fullscreen javascript API directly, without needing to ask the wrapper first.

Set the current page to fullscreen.

zeroframe = new ZeroFrame()

const zeroframe = new ZeroFrame();



Set browser's local store data stored for the site

Parameter Description
data Any data structure you want to store for the site

Return: None.

zeroframe = new ZeroFrame()

  zeroframe.cmd 'wrapperSetLocalStorage', {'score': 500}, (res) =>
    console.log 'Score saved.'
, 100)
import 'js/ZeroFrame.js'

setTimeout(() => {
  zeroframe.cmd('wrapperSetLocalStorage', {'score': 500}, (res) => {
    console.log('Score saved.');
}, 100);

const zeroframe = new ZeroFrame();


wrapperSetLocalStorage relies on site_info, an object containing information about the site that is retrieved from ZeroNet daemon on ZeroFrame's load In order to allow for this to happen, we delay the execution of wrapperSetLocalStorage by 100ms.


If local storage is empty:

Score saved.


Set the title of the site.

Parameter Description
title New browser tab title

Return: None.

zeroframe = new ZeroFrame()

zeroframe.cmd 'wrapperSetTitle', 'My New Title'
const zeroframe = new ZeroFrame();

zeroframe.cmd('wrapperSetTitle', 'My New Title');

Site title will now be My New Title.


Set sites's viewport meta tag content (required for mobile sites).

Parameter Description
viewport The viewport meta tag content

Return: None.

zeroframe = new ZeroFrame()

zeroframe.cmd 'wrapperSetViewport', 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0'
const zeroframe = new ZeroFrame();

zeroframe.cmd('wrapperSetViewport', 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0');


The UiServer does all the 'backend' work (eg: querying the DB, accessing files, etc). These are the API calls you will need to make your site dynamic.


Execute command in other site's context.

This command requires ADMIN permission or MergerSite/CORS permission to the specific site you want to interact with.

Parameter Description
address The context site's address
cmd API command name
arguments API command arguments

Return: Command's return value


Page.cmd("as", ["138R53t3ZW7KDfSfxVpWUsMXgwUnsDNXLP", "siteSetLimit", 20], console.log )
address = "138R53t3ZW7KDfSfxVpWUsMXgwUnsDNXLP"
query = "SELECT * FROM json WHERE file_name = :file_name"
params = {"file_name": "data.json"}
Page.cmd("as", [address, "dbQuery", [query, params]], function(res) { console.log(res.length) } )


Tracker statistics for current site


    "stats": {
        "zero://": {
            "status": "announced",
            "num_success": 1,
            "time_last_error": 0,
            "time_status": 1541776998.782,
            "num_request": 1,
            "time_request": 1541776996.884,
            "num_error": 0


Add a new certificate to the current user.

Parameter Description
domain Certificate issuer domain
auth_type Auth type used on registration
auth_user_name User name used on registration
cert The cert itself: auth_address#auth_type/auth_user_name string signed by the cert site owner

Return: "ok", "Not changed" or {"error": error_message}.


@cmd "certAdd", ["zeroid.bit", auth_type, user_name, cert_sign], (res) =>
    if res.error
        @cmd "wrapperNotification", ["error", "#{res.error}"]


Display certificate selector.

Parameter Description
accepted_domains (optional) List of domains that accepted by site as authorization provider (default: [])
accept_any (optional) Does not limits the accepted certificate providers (default: False)
accepted_pattern (optional) Regexp pattern for accepted certificate providers address (default: None)

Return: None.


@cmd "certSelect", {"accepted_domains": ["zeroid.bit"], "accepted_pattern": "1ZeroiD[0-9]"}


Request notifications about sites's events.

Parameter Description
channel Channel to join

Return: None.


  • siteChanged (joined by default)
    Events: peers_added, file_started, file_done, file_failed


# Wrapper websocket connection ready
onOpenWebsocket: (e) =>
    @cmd "channelJoinAllsite", {"channel": "siteChanged"}

# Route incoming requests and messages
route: (cmd, data) ->
    if cmd == "setSiteInfo"
        @log "Site changed", data
        @log "Unknown command", cmd, data

Example event data

    "event":[ "file_done", "index.html" ],
    [...] # Same as siteInfo return dict


Run a query on the sql cache

Parameter Description
query Sql query command
params Parameter substitution to the sql query

Return: Result of the query as an array.


Page.cmd("dbQuery", [
   "SELECT * FROM json WHERE file_name = :file_name",
   {file_name: "data.json"}
], (res) => { console.log(res.length) })

Page.cmd("dbQuery", [
    "SELECT * FROM json WHERE file_name IN :file_names",
    {file_names: ["data.json", "content.json"]}
], (res) => { console.log(res.length) })
Page.cmd("dbQuery", [
    "SELECT * FROM json ?",
    {file_name: ["data.json", "content.json"]}
], (res) => { console.log(res.length) })
@log "Updating user info...", @my_address
Page.cmd "dbQuery", ["SELECT user.*, json.json_id AS data_json_id FROM user LEFT JOIN json USING(path) WHERE path='#{@my_address}/data.json'"], (res) =>
    if res.error or res.length == 0 # Db not ready yet or No user found
        $(".head-user.visitor").css("display", "")
        if cb then cb()

    @my_row = res[0]
    @my_id = @my_row["user_id"]
    @my_name = @my_row["user_name"]
    @my_max_size = @my_row["max_size"]


List a content of a directory

Parameter Description
inner_path Directory you want to list

Return: List of file and directory names


Delete a file.

Parameter Description
inner_path The file you want to delete

Return: "ok" on success, the error message otherwise.


Get the contents of a file.

Parameter Description
inner_path The file you want to get
required (optional) Try and wait for the file if it's not exists. (default: True)
format (optional) Encoding of returned data. (text or base64) (default: text)
timeout (optional) Maximum wait time to data arrive (default: 300)

Return: The content of the file.


# Upvote a topic on ZeroTalk
submitTopicVote: (e) =>
    if not Users.my_name # Not registered
        Page.cmd "wrapperNotification", ["info", "Please, request access before posting."]
        return false

    elem = $(e.currentTarget)
    inner_path = "data/users/#{Users.my_address}/data.json"

    Page.cmd "fileGet", [inner_path], (data) =>
        data = JSON.parse(data)
        data.topic_votes ?= {} # Create if not exits
        topic_address = elem.parents(".topic").data("topic_address")

        if elem.hasClass("active") # Add upvote to topic
            data.topic_votes[topic_address] = 1
        else # Remove upvote from topic
            delete data.topic_votes[topic_address]

        # Write file and publish to other peers
        Page.writePublish inner_path, Page.jsonEncode(data), (res) =>
            if res == true
                @log "File written"
            else # Failed
                elem.toggleClass("active") # Change back

    return false


Recursively list of files in a directory

Parameter Description
inner_path Directory you want to list

Return: List of files in the directory (recursive).


Initialize download of a (optional) file.

Parameter Description
inner_path The file you want to get
timeout (optional) Maximum wait time to data arrive (default: 300)

Return: "ok" on successful download.


Simple json file query command

Parameter Description
dir_inner_path Pattern of queried files
query Query command (optional)

Return: Matched content as an array.

Query examples:

  • ["data/users/*/data.json", "topics"]: Returns all topics node from all user files
  • ["data/users/*/data.json", "comments.1@2"]: Returns user_data["comments"]["1@2"] value from all user files
  • ["data/users/*/data.json", ""]: Returns all data from users files
  • ["data/users/*/data.json"]: Returns all data from users files (same as above)


@cmd "fileQuery", ["data/users/*/data.json", "topics"], (topics) =>
    topics.sort (a, b) -> # Sort by date
        return a.added - b.added
    for topic in topics
        @log topic.topic_id, topic.inner_path, topic.title


Return the rules for the file.

Parameter Description
inner_path File inner path

Return: Matched content as an array.

Example result:

    "current_size": 2485,
    "cert_signers": {"zeroid.bit": ["1iD5ZQJMNXu43w1qLB8sfdHVKppVMduGz"]},
    "files_allowed": "data.json",
    "signers": ["1J3rJ8ecnwH2EPYa6MrgZttBNc61ACFiCj"],
    "user_address": "1J3rJ8ecnwH2EPYa6MrgZttBNc61ACFiCj",
    "max_size": 100000


@cmd "fileRules", "data/users/1J3rJ8ecnwH2EPYa6MrgZttBNc61ACFiCj/content.json", (rules) =>
    @log rules


Write file content

Parameter Description
inner_path Inner path of the file you want to write
content_base64 Content you want to write to file (base64 encoded)

Return: "ok" on success, the error message otherwise.


writeData: (cb=null) ->
    # Encode to json, encode utf8
    json_raw = unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({"hello": "ZeroNet"}, undefined, '\t')))
    # Convert to to base64 and send
    @cmd "fileWrite", ["data.json", btoa(json_raw)], (res) =>
        if res == "ok"
            if cb then cb(true)
            @cmd "wrapperNotification", ["error", "File write error: #{res}"]
            if cb then cb(false)

Note: to write files that not in content.json yet, you must have "own": true in data/sites.json at the site you want to write


Test UiServer websocket connection

Return: pong


Return: All information about the server as a JavaScript object.


@cmd "serverInfo", {}, (server_info) =>
    @log "Server info:", server_info

Example return value:

    "debug": true, # Running in debug mode
    "fileserver_ip": "*", # Fileserver binded to
    "fileserver_port": 15441, # FileServer port
    "ip_external": true, # Active of passive mode
    "platform": "win32", # Operating system
    "ui_ip": "", # UiServer binded to
    "ui_port": 43110, # UiServer port (Web)
    "version": "0.2.5" # Version


Return: All information about the site as a JavaScript object.


@cmd "siteInfo", {}, (site_info) =>
    @log "Site info:", site_info

Example return value:

    "tasks": 0, # Number of files currently under download
    "size_limit": 10, # Current site size limit in MB
    "address": "1EU1tbG9oC1A8jz2ouVwGZyQ5asrNsE4Vr", # Site address
    "next_size_limit": 10, # Size limit required by sum of site's files
    "auth_address": "2D6xXUmCVAXGrbVUGRRJdS4j1hif1EMfae", # Current user's bitcoin address
    "auth_key_sha512": "269a0f4c1e0c697b9d56ccffd9a9748098e51acc5d2807adc15a587779be13cf", # Deprecated, dont use
    "peers": 14, # Peers of site
    "auth_key": "pOBdl00EJ29Ad8OmVIc763k4", # Deprecated, dont use
    "settings":  {
        "peers": 13, # Saved peers num for sorting
        "serving": true, # Site enabled
        "modified": 1425344149.365, # Last modification time of all site's files
        "own": true, # Own site
        "permissions": ["ADMIN"], # Site's permission
        "size": 342165 # Site total size in bytes
    "bad_files": 0, # Files that needs to be download
    "workers": 0, # Current concurent downloads
    "content": { # Root content.json
        "files": 12, # Number of file, detailed file info removed to reduce data transfer and parse time
        "description": "This site",
        "title": "ZeroHello",
        "signs_required": 1,
        "modified": 1425344149.365,
        "ignore": "(js|css)/(?!all.(js|css))",
        "signers_sign": null,
        "address": "1EU1tbG9oC1A8jz2ouVwGZyQ5asrNsE4Vr",
        "zeronet_version": "0.2.5",
        "includes": 0
    "cert_user_id": "zeronetuser@zeroid.bit", # Currently selected certificate for the site
    "started_task_num": 1, # Last number of files downloaded
    "content_updated": 1426008289.71 # Content.json update time


Publish a content.json of the site

Parameter Description
privatekey (optional) Private key used for signing (default: current user's privatekey)
inner_path (optional) Inner path of the content json you want to publish (default: content.json)
sign (optional) If True then sign the content.json before publish (default: True)

Return: "ok" on success, the error message otherwise.


# Prompt the private key
@cmd "wrapperPrompt", ["Enter your private key:", "password"], (privatekey) =>
    $(".publishbar .button").addClass("loading")
    # Send sign content.json and publish request to server
    @cmd "sitePublish", [privatekey], (res) =>
        $(".publishbar .button").removeClass("loading")
        @log "Publish result:", res


Reload content.json file content and scans for optional files

Return: "ok" on success


Sign a content.json of the site

Parameter Description
privatekey (optional) Private key used for signing (default: current user's privatekey)
inner_path (optional) Inner path of the content json you want to sign (default: content.json)
remove_missing_optional (optional) Remove the optional files from content.json that no longer present in the directory (default: False)

Return: "ok" on success, the error message otherwise.

Note: Use "stored" as privatekey if its definied in users.json (eg. cloned sites)


if @site_info["privatekey"] # Private key stored in users.json
    @cmd "siteSign", ["stored", "content.json"], (res) =>
        @log "Sign result", res


Force check and download changed content from other peers (only necessary if user is in passive mode and using old version of Zeronet)

Parameter Description
address Address of site want to update (only current site allowed without site ADMIN permission)

Return: None.


# Manual site update for passive connections
updateSite: =>
    $("#passive_error a").addClass("loading").removeClassLater("loading", 1000)
    @log "Updating site..."
    @cmd "siteUpdate", {"address": @site_info.address}


Get user's saved settings.

Return: The user specific site's settings saved using userSetSettings.


Set user's site specific settings.

Parameter Description
settings The user's site specific settings you want to store.

Return: "ok" on success.

Plugin: Bigfile


Initialize a new upload endpoint for a bigfile.

Parameter Description
inner_path Upload location
size File size

Return: A dict with the information about the upload:

Parameter Description
url Http upload endpoint
piece_size Size of each separately hashed part of the file
inner_path File path within the site
file_relative_path File path relative to content.json

Note: Not supported non-ascii characters will be automatically removed from inner_path and file_relative_path values


var input = document.createElement('input')
input.type = "file" = "hidden"

input.onchange = () => {
    var file = input.files[0]
    page.cmd("bigfileUploadInit", ["optional/", file.size], (init_res) => {
        var formdata = new FormData()
        formdata.append(, file)

        var req = new XMLHttpRequest()
        req.upload.addEventListener("progress", console.log)
        req.upload.addEventListener("loadend", () =>
            page.cmd("wrapperConfirm", ["Upload finished!", "Open file"],
                () => { = init_res.inner_path }
        req.withCredentials = true"POST", init_res.url)

Plugin: Chart


Run database query on chart database.

Arguments and return value: Same as dbQuery


Get a list of unique peers from the client.

Return: A list of unique peers.


> [
>  {lat: 43.6655, city: "Toronto", ping: null, lon: -79.4204, country: "Canada"},
> ...
> ]

Plugin: Cors

Allow cross-site file access under virtual directory /cors-siteaddress/ and grant cross-site database query using the as API command.


Request Cross origin resource sharing permission with the given site.

Parameter Description
address The site address you want get cors access

Return: "ok" on success.

After the permission is granted the other site's files will be available under /cors-siteaddress/ virtual directory via http request or by the fileGet API command.

The site will be added to user's client if it's required.

Plugin: Multiuser


The below commands can only be executed by a site with the "ADMIN" permission.


Request to login with a private key.


The Multiuser plugin will take this private key, convert it to a master seed, and by setting a cookie in your browser (e.g. master_address=1bc83cc...) you can specify which user to act as on all subsequent requests.

This cookie is sent by the UiWrapper as part of its WebSocket connection handshake. This method was chosen as it doesn't require modifying existing requests, and it also works with communicating to ZeroNet clients that are hosted on a separate machine (such as ZeroNet proxies).

zeroframe = new ZeroFrame()

zeroframe.cmd 'userLoginForm', []
const zeroframe = new ZeroFrame();

zeroframe.cmd('userShowMasterSeed', []);


None, the login prompt will appear in a window inaccessible to the iframe.


Request to show the user's private key.

zeroframe = new ZeroFrame()

zeroframe.cmd 'userShowMasterSeed', []
const zeroframe = new ZeroFrame();

zeroframe.cmd('userShowMasterSeed', []);


None, the private key will appear in a window inaccessible to the iframe.

Plugin: CryptMessage


Get user's site specific public key.

Parameter Description
index (optional) Sub-public key within site (default: 0)

Return: Base64-encoded public key.


Encrypt a text using a public key.

Parameter Description
text Text to encrypt
publickey (optional) User's public key index (int) or base64 encoded public key (default: 0)
return_aes_key (optional) Get the AES key used in encryption (default: False)

Return: Encrypted text in base64 format or [Encrypted text in base64 format, AES key in base64 format].


Try to decrypt list of texts

Parameter Description
params A text or list of encrypted texts
privatekey (optional) User's privatekey index (int) or base64 encoded privatekey (default: 0)

Return: Decrypted text or array of decrypted texts (null for failed decodings).


Encrypt a text using the key and the iv

Parameter Description
text A text encrypt using AES
key (optional) Base64 encoded password (default: generate new)
iv (optional) Base64 encoded iv (default: generate new)

Return: [base64 encoded key, base64 encoded iv, base64 encoded encrypted text].


Decrypt text using the IV and AES key

Parameter Description
iv IV in Base64 format
encrypted_text Encrypted text in Base64 format
encrypted_texts Array of [base64 encoded iv, base64 encoded encrypted text] pairs
key Base64 encoded password for the text
keys Keys for decoding (tries every one for every pairs)

Return: Decoded text or array of decoded texts.

Plugin: Newsfeed


Set followed sql queries.

The SQL query should result in rows with cols:

Field Description
type Type: post, article, comment, mention
date_added Event time
title Event's first line to be displayed
body Event's second and third line
url Link to event's page
Parameter Description
feeds Format: {"query name": [SQL query, [param1, param2, ...], ...}, parameters will be escaped, joined by , inserted in place of :params in the Sql query.

Return: "ok".


# Follow ZeroBlog posts
query = "
     post_id AS event_uri,
     'post' AS type,
     date_published AS date_added,
     title AS title,
     body AS body,
     '?Post:' || post_id AS url
    FROM post
params = [""]
Page.cmd feedFollow [{"Posts": [query, params]}]


Return of current followed feeds

Return: The currently followed feeds in the same format as in the feedFollow commands.


Execute all queries for followed sites/pages in the user's notifications feed.

Return: The result of the followed SQL queries.

Parameter Description
limit Limit of results per followed site (default: 10)
day_limit Events no older than number of this days (default: 3)

Plugin: MergerSite


Start downloading new merger site(s).

Parameter Description
addresses Site address or list of site addresses


Stop seeding and delete a merged site.

Parameter Description
address Site address


Return merged sites.

Parameter Description
query_site_info If true, then gives back detailed site infomation for merged sites

Plugin: Mute


Add new user to mute list. (Requires confirmation for non-ADMIN sites)

Parameter Description
auth_address Directory name of the user's data
cert_user_id Cert user name of the user
reason Reason of the muting

Return: "ok" if confirmed.


Page.cmd("muteAdd", ['1GJUaZMjTfeETdYUhchSkDijv6LVhjekHz','helloworld@kaffie.bit','Spammer'])


Remove a user from mute list. (Requires confirmation for non-admin sites).

Parameter Description
auth_address Directory name of the user's data

Return: "ok" if confirmed.


Page.cmd("muteRemove", '1GJUaZMjTfeETdYUhchSkDijv6LVhjekHz')


List muted users. (Requires admin permission on site).

Return: Array of muted users.

Plugin: OptionalManager


Return an array of optional file information.

Parameter Description
address The site address you want to list optional files (default: current site)
orderby Order of returned optional files (default: time_downloaded DESC)
limit Max number of returned optional files (default: 10)

Return: Database rows with the following columns for each optional file returned:

Column name Description
file_id The ID of the file
site_id The ID of the site the file is from
inner_path The path of the file starting from the site root
hash_id The hash of the file
size The size of the file (in bytes)
peer How many peers this file has
uploaded How many bytes of this file have been uploaded to other peers
is_downloaded Whether this file has been completely downloaded
is_pinned Whether this file has been pinned
time_added When this file was added
time_downloaded When this file finished downloading
time_accessed When this file was last accessed


Query information about a single optional file given its path.

Parameter Description
inner_path The path of the file starting from the site root

Return: Database row with the following columns:

Column name Description
file_id The ID of the file
site_id The ID of the site the file is from
inner_path The path of the file starting from the site root
hash_id The hash of the file
size The size of the file (in bytes)
peer How many peers this file has
uploaded How many bytes of this file have been uploaded to other peers
is_downloaded Whether this file has been completely downloaded
is_pinned Whether this file has been pinned
time_added When this file was added
time_downloaded When this file finished downloading
time_accessed When this file was last accessed


Pin a downloaded optional file. The file is now excluded from automated optional file cleanup.

Parameter Description
inner_path The path of the file
address Address for the file (default: current site)


Remove pinning of a downloaded optional file. The file is now included in automated optional file cleanup.

Parameter Description
inner_path The path of the file
address Address for the file (default: current site)


Delete a downloaded optional file.

Parameter Description
inner_path The path of the file
address Address for the file (default: current site)


Return currently used disk space by optional files.

Return: limit, used and free space statistics.


Set the optional file limit.

Parameter Description
limit Max space used by the optional files in GB or percentage of used space


List the auto-downloaded directories of optional files.

Parameter Description
address Address of site you want to list helped directories (default: current site)

Return: Auto-downloaded directories and descriptions as a JavaScript object.


Add directory to auto-download list.

Parameter Description
directory Directory you want to add to auto-download list
title Title for the entry (displayed on ZeroHello)
address Address of site you want to add the auto-download directory (default: current site)


Prevent auto-download of optional files within a directory. Only effective if optionalHelp is enabled on the site.

Parameter Description
directory Directory you want to remove from auto-download list
address Address of site (default: current site)


Help download every new uploaded optional file to the site

Parameter Description
value Enable or Disable the auto-download
address Address of affected site (default: current site)

Plugin: UiPluginManager


Ask user to install a new plugin from a directory of the current site.

Parameter Description
inner_path Directory of the plugin


Page.cmd("pluginAddRequest", "plugins/Example")

The plugin directory must contain a plugin_info.json file that contains the plugin's displayed name, a short description and the version (rev) number.

Example plugins/Example/plugin_info.json:

    "name": "Example plugin",
    "description": "Just an example for third-party plugins",
    "rev": 5

Return: "ok" on success

Note: You can see the currently installed plugins version number in server info plugins_rev node.

Admin commands

(requires ADMIN permission in data/sites.json)


Returns information regarding the currently known identity provider certificates.

Return: A list of objects each representing a certificate from an identity provider.


    "auth_type": "web",
    "domain": "zeroid.bit",
    "selected": false,
    "auth_user_name": "username",
    "auth_address": "1GUDV..."


Set the used certificate for current site.

Parameter Description
domain Domain of the certificate issuer

Return: None


Request notifications about every site's events.

Parameter Description
channel Channel to join (see channelJoin)

Return: None

Return: ok


Create or update an entry in ZeroNet config file. (zeronet.conf by default)

Parameter Description
key Configuration entry name
value Configuration entry new value

Return: ok


Start checking if port is opened

Return: True (port opened) or False (port closed)


Stop running ZeroNet client.

Return: None


Re-download ZeroNet from github.

Return: None


Copy site files into a new one.

Every file and directory will be skipped if it has a -default subfixed version and the subfixed version will be copied instead of it.

Eg. If you have a data and a data-default directory: The data directory will not be copied and the data-default directory will be renamed to data.

Parameter Description
address Address of site want to clone
root_inner_path The source directory of the new site

Return: None, automatically redirects to new site on completion


Return: SiteInfo list of all downloaded sites


Pause site serving

Parameter Description
address Address of site want to pause

Return: None


Resume site serving

Parameter Description
address Address of site want to resume

Return: None