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Coding standards if you want to collaborate to ZeroNet
- Follow PEP8
- Simple is better than complex
- Premature optimization is the root of all evil
- ClassNames: Capitalized, CamelCased
- functionNames: starts with lowercase, camelCased
- variable_names: lowercased, under_scored
- file_path: File path realtive to working dir (data/17ib6teRqdVgjB698T4cD1zDXKgPqpkrMg/css/all.css)
- inner_path: File relative to site dir (css/all.css)
- file_name: all.css
- file: Python file object
- privatekey: Private key for the site (without _)
Source files directories and naming
- One class per file is preferred
- Source file name and directory comes from ClassName: WorkerManager class = Worker/